Spring, the season of rebirth, is miraculous to me. Without fail, no matter how hard or cold the winter, the sun warms, the song birds return, the branches bud, and all of Nature awakens after its long nap. To celebrate the Spring Equinox, I have created this double portrait of my daughter and her daughter, giving it the title "A Sense of Wonder."
Ecologist and author Rachel Carson wrote, "If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder...he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in."
This painting was created using watercolor, gouache, and colored pencil. It speaks to the discoveries of childhood, and the curiosity, amazement and delight of a youngster who is quite new to this planet. That wide-eyed wonder should serve to refresh our own sense of wonder. It should remind us that we are, after all, surrounded by miracles. Let us never take for granted this amazing experience of life. Let us renew our love for the earth and be the best stewards of this planet for the generations to come, so that our children's children's children may also open their eyes in wonder to this beautiful orb we all call home. May this new season inspire within us the birth of that which can still beautifully grow, flourish and transform. It is the great season of beginning yet again. It is wondrous.